Director: Marie Polakova and Veselina Dashinova
Idea and Research: Marie Polakova
Animation: Veselina Dashinova
Created at Interface Cultures Lab in collaboration with Jan Spurny. Thanks for support to Ars Electronica Bio Lab, Linz, Austria
Gamerz; Aix-en-Provence, France
Ars Electronica – Use at Yur Own Risk!; Linz, Austria
Enter 6; Prague, Czech Republic
Metaphores; Linz, Austria
Short Description:
Have you ever thought that microscopic organisms could be something more then a scientific specimen or feared disease? Something you could care for and even grow to love? Micro Pets project is looking into the unthinkable, considering microbes of infinitesimal size as endearing and captivating creatures – as playful companions with personality and charm!
In collaboration with Ars Elecronica Bio Lab we observe, photograph and try to understand the natural behaviors of water microorganism. Building on practical and conceptual research we are designing objects (Nano toys & micro pet lifestyle accessories) specially suited to the needs of each Microorganism group. Our goal is to provide a possibility of a playful interaction between humans and the microorganisms.
So far the Micro Pets Project exists as an exhibition piece presenting three concept designs of Nono Toys together with an animated simulation of the interaction between the Micro Pets and their toys. Our aim is to continue developing this artwork and later, in collaboration with a scientific partner, to design more Nano toys and subsequently produce them for real.